Expectation for Performers
1. Performances begin at 6:30pm. Closing time is 10:00pm. We will not go past 10 out of respect of the venue, 737.
2. Time slots are open now. Sign up through this link: https://forms.gle/kWHhVids4vFgu1kt8 .
(Please provide any & all information about you and your performance.)
Email Devin Green at mcclain.dmg@gmail.com for any questions or concerns about sound.
“New performers have priority. If you performed on February 28th, we still want you to come and maybe even play! However, we have an unexpected amount of interest and want to give space and time to everyone possible to be inclusive. To do this we want to rotate performers as they come. Please let us know if you are interested in performing on March 28th. We will let you know if you are on the list for the night to respect your time and efforts.”
Ps We will eventually do open sign ups on a first come first serve basis. We are not ready to do it now, but it is something we want to work towards.
3. Each time slot is 20 MINUTES total. Your time starts as soon as the last person ends. The clock will start.
4. Devin Green with Mister McClain Entertainment will provide the following equipment: sound board, a monitor, speakers, 2 mics, and cables. If you need anything else, please bring it on your own. If you have questions about sound, contact him at mcclain.dmg@gmail.com.
5. Performers are told when they are on deck. When you are next, be ready. Instruments out, tuned up, and ready to take the stage.
6. Perform your best material. Practice before you come. We don’t expect perfection, but it's always best to be as prepared as you can be.
7. BE CONSIDERATE OF THE OTHER PERFORMERS. Please be quiet and show respect for the performers on stage. Do not play instruments inside while performers are on stage. There is space outside if you need to play. Applaud for everyone and treat everyone like it is their worst day ever. You never know what is happening to someone behind the scenes. Your encouragement can make their day better.
8. Please stay for the performers after your time slot if possible. They enjoyed your set, stay & enjoy theirs as well.
9. Be respectful to the venue (737) & the sound equipment, as if it were your own.
10. This is a family event and we ask that you keep your songs as clean as possible. Please note you will be unplugged if you cannot abide by these guidelines.
If you would like to be added to Seminole’s Music Directory please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/WNGawoBdYRw7vTPn9 .
Our goal for this Open Mic is to provide an outlet for musicians and the community to come together and share in talent and conversation. We encourage all levels of performers, from novice to experts, to come and sharpen their skills in front of an audience.
Thank you to everyone who is willing to be a part of this.
If you have further questions or concerns please contact Briana Wymore by email at Briana@Seminole-Oklahoma.net .